Fall Ball Youth House League
De Pere Youth Baseball is one of the only programs in the area to offer a Fall Baseball league. We welcome players from surrounding communities to join us as well.
Ages & Eligibility
What aged players are appropriate for this program?
Our Fall Ball House League is for players entering into Pre-K through 7th grade this fall.
What eligibility requirements are there to play?
Our Fall Ball program is not restrictive to just residents. We accept players from all surrounding communities (a $10 non-resident fee is assessed during registration).
What time of the year does this program run?
The Fall Ball House League seasons start later in August and will conclude the first week of October.
How many games will they play?
Pony will play 6 games total on Sundays. All other programs will play a 5 week season with 2 games scheduled each week.
Game Start Times
Exact times can change year-to-year depending on the number of teams we can form, but generally game start times for Fall Ball will be close to this:
Little Sluggers - 5:30pm & 6:30pm
Pee Wee - 5:30pm (we try to stick to one game per night in the fall as most Pee Wee fields do not have lights)
American & National League - 5:30pm & 7pm
Pony League - varies, since we work around when the Packers play
Programs Offered
We offer the following programs in the Fall (grade entering this fall):
Little Sluggers (Pre-K & Kindergarten)
- Coach pitch/modified tee-ball
- Option to play M/W or T/TH
Pee Wee (Kindergarten through 2nd grade)
- Machine pitch/tee-ball
- Option to play M/W or T/TH
American League (3rd & 4th grade)
- Kid-pitch
- 46'/60' field dimensions
- Played on M/W nights
National League (5th & 6th grade)
- Kid-pitch
- 46'/60' field dimensions
- Played on T/TH nights
Pony League (7th grade)
- 54'/80' field dimensions
- Played on Sunday afternoon/evenings
Where do these teams practice and play?
Field Locations:
- Quarry Park (Lawrence)
- All Little Sluggers games and most Pee Wee games are held here
- Ledgeview Park (Ledgeview)
- Some Pee Wee games are held here
- Kelly Danen Park (De Pere, west side)
- Most American and National League games played here
- Mulva Family Fields (Scray Hill Park in Ledgeview)
- Pee Wee, American League, National League and Pony League all could be played here
- Southwest Park (De Pere, west side)
- Pony League games can be held here
Jerseys & Equipment
Each player will receive a hat and a dri-fit uniform top.
Each player should at a minimum have their own fielding glove. Except for Little Sluggers, all players should also have baseball pants, belt, sliding shorts (with protective cup) and molded (not metal) cleats. Most players also have their own bats and batting helmets, but we also supply that gear if players do not have their own.
Please note that our youth programs (Little Sluggers through National League) require bats to have the "USA BASEBALL" certification. All other bat certifications (i.e. USSSA) are not allowed for in our Youth leagues.
Check Back Later...
We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.